Beta-Lactam Decontamination
Chlorine dioxide gas is proven effective against Beta-Lactams, and can inactive them on equipment or in rooms so that there is no risk of allergic exposure. After inactivation, equipment can be used on non-Beta Lactam pharmaceuticals with no risk of contamination.
BSC Certifications
BSCS are the primary containment devices that protect the worker, product, and environment -
Biolgoical Safety Cabinet (BSC) Decontamination
A biological safety cabinet (BSC) is designed to protect biologically sensitive materials -
Chlorine Dioxide CLO2 Safety Information
Chlorine dioxide is not shipped in commerce or stored for any significant period of time. -
Hepa Filter Replacement for Biological Safety Cabient (BSC)
HEPA filters, whether part of a building exhaust system or part of a cabinet